Saturday, November 23, 2013

Physics & Life

Here is a great quote from the physicist Arthur Eddington:

"If ever the physicist solves the problem of the living body, he should no longer be tempted to point to his result and say ‘That’s you.’  He should say rather ‘That is the aggregation of symbols which stands for you in my description and explanation of those of your properties which I can observe and measure.  If you claim a deeper insight into your own nature by which you can interpret these symbols—a more intimate knowledge of the reality which I can only deal with by symbolism—you can rest assured that I have no rival interpretation to propose.  The skeleton is the contribution of physics to the solution of the Problem of Experience; from the clothing of the skeleton it (physics) stands aloof.”  --(Quantum Questions, Wilber, p. 194)

Do you agree?  Is physics limited in how deeply it can go towards understanding who we really are, the nature of consciousness, the underlying truth of Reality?

Peace to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't "Physics" a human construct? And, if so, doesn't that characteristic underscore its limitations? Even mathematics, a supposedly "pure" means of expression and understanding, may fall woefully short in helping us to undrestand the underlying truth of Reality. But imagination: might that be just the tool for the job?
