Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Returning to the Essentials

Well, it is now nearing the end of 2013, and 2009 seems like a really long time ago.  Residency and fellowship came and went.  Along with a lot of growing and changing.  I am not the same person I was only 6 years ago.  I like to think I am wiser, better, stronger, but I also know that with age and experience comes cynicism.  Hopefully I can accept that but focus on getting better and better each day.

I was inspired to revisit and reinvigorate this blog by the recent passing of a close friend's wife after a long battle with breast cancer.  She was a great person, an inspirational role model for many people in my medical school, and a tireless advocate for bringing in more poetry and humanism into medicine.  I was deeply saddened by her passing, and only now came to discover that she had been keeping a blog during her last year in hospice.  As I read her entries, I was touched, humbled, and reminded of the power of writing and poetry.  Everyone who fights illness is given a unique perspective on life.  But a physician who then becomes a patient is truly a special circumstance.  I hope her family will preserve her blog for posterity.  There is a lot of wisdom and beauty in it for all to soak in.

So, to commemorate her life and passion for poetry and finding meaning in life, I will return to those same passions myself.  It's been a long time!  But it's good to be back.

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